Tuesday, March 31, 2009

<-----------Why left?

I am going to be as informal as possible in this first blog as it is kind of late and I am just looking to put something up before bed.
I recently joined twitter and have found a WORLD of amazement within the conservative movement, specifically under the sign #TCOT (Top conservatives on twitter). I find the comments everything from intriguing to comical to absurd to enlightening (less of the latter lol).
There is a quote I heard that says "conservatives define themselves in terms of what they oppose" and I've found this VERY true on twitter where the Obama bashing is at an all time high.
There are so many opinions, yet i find VERY little constructive criticism or BETTER YET! any solutions.
All my thoughts can be summed up by the conservatives OUTRAGE of the Obama budget, perhaps it is a little over the top and there are some things that are questionable, but from that the entire week I said "well where is the republicans budget proposal?" and I heard its coming....
well it came...and it was (to be conservative in my assessment) bullshit. How does one propose a budget with NO actual numbers and figures?
No Numbers??
again, this retraces to the idea the conservative movement is becoming (use that VERY loosely) one of opposition and not one of progress or new ideas.
Tax breaks, tax cuts, my liberties, communism, socialism, BHO, BO, nObama etc etc etc. Blah blah bullshit.....
Until the RIGHT can begin to propose ANYTHING to move the country forward and not the same "failed policies of George W. Bush" (I know you conservatives loved that sound byte lol) then you will find yourself pinned in the corridors of twitter, tweeting among each other with no pulpit and a shrinking party and following.

Why Left? Cause the Right just seems wrong.......

1 comment:

  1. i could respect a conservative if any of them that i know actually knew the background of what the gripe and complain about. As a matter of fact, I fully respect conservatives that live in countries outside of america... (this was the disclaimer) I think there should be a simple standardized quiz that these motherfuckers need to take before they speak so strongly on their "concern" for the future of america... such as:

    1.Have you ever purchased ANYTHING from Walmart?

    2.Which one should die? unborn kids or black people from New Orleans

    3.List three responsibilities of the IMF.

    4.Name the corporation below that wont hire you because they use privatized prison labor: a)dell b)marriot c)u.s. technologies d)all of the above

    5)How many foreign languages do you speak?

    6)How much of your religious tithes should one write of on their taxes for a tax break?

    Im sure after these questions and a few more, many will realize they dont know what the fuck theyre talking about.
